Thursday 1 March 2012

look at all the pansy's.......

Happy Mardi Gras everyone!!!!!   Gay, Lesbian or matter who you are...this weekend in Sydney, Australia, is a celebration of individuality and self-belief. It's about being proud of who you are, what you have achieved in your life and what you have to offer your community. I love the 'buzz' of Mardi Gras....all the gorgeous people,the happy feeling,the excitement and being so proud of who we are and everything we have achieved in our lives.

So I thought......(somewhat in-appropriately ...LOL)....that my flower of the week should be the Pansy!!!!!

Who doesn't love a Pansy?  Great shape....gorgeous structure and fabulous celebratory colours!!! (can't go past a combination of purple and yellow). The Pansy is derived from the 'Voila' family and is technically known as Viola x wittrockiana (as if you could remember that in your state!!!)

Pansey's are a strikingly simple plant...they love the sun, hate humidity, and will grow to a height of nine inches!!!!! 

But they really are a great plant for pots or hanging baskets. Being an annual you'll only get one season out of them...and it's best to pinch off the spent flower heads to keep them blooming for as long as possible. 

Pansy's come in an amazing variety of colours....all the colours of the rainbow!!!!

The markings on the flowers almost suggest faces smiling up at you through their petals......outrageous eye-lashes and bleeding lipstick (look at the yellow flower in the picture above..and the red one...and the blue... !!!) 

So 'Happy Mardi Gras' to everyone out there...all you 'Pansy's'. Just remember it's not only the beauty on the outside that makes you who you's also the beauty within.  


  1. Happy Mardi Gras Scott!.... Love the Pansy Post! Although with all this rain and humidity in Sydney right now I don't know if all the Pansy's will hold out! LOL!

  2. A lovely post and let's hope the Pansies can hold their heads high with all the rain this week! Happy Mardi Gras...all the colours of the rainbow!
